FIRE & EMSThe mission of the Seville-Guilford Fire and E.M.S. Department is to respond to the needs of our community and the surrounding area in ...{MORE INFORMATION}
GOVERNMENTMeetings are held at 8:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Guilford Grange Hall...{MORE INFORMATION}
ZONINGThe purpose of zoning is to promote public health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare, and to conserve and protect property and property values... {MORE INFORMATION}
CEMETERYGuilford Township is responsible for the maintenance and administration of two cemeteries: River Styx Cemetery and Mound Hill Cemetery... {MORE INFORMATION}
ROADSThe Roads Department is responsible for the maintenance of all township roads... {MORE INFORMATION}